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Multiscale Modelling Methods

From Supramolecular Chemistry to Structural Biology

Study cutting-edge computer simulations to solve chemical and biochemical problems ranging from supramolecular chemistry to structural biology. Explore a world beyond the reach of experimental methods, where molecular modelling plays a pivotal role in rationalising new materials, understanding the foundations of life, and designing new drugs.


Multiscale Modelling Methods is an intensive 10-day summer course for university students in chemistry, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and biophysics study programs. The course provides essential knowledge for conducting computer simulations on various molecular scales. In addition, this course can be equally valuable for students engaged in wet lab experiments, demonstrating how computer simulations can enhance and complement their research. While the teaching level is mainly set for bachelor's and master's students, early-stage doctoral students are also welcome.

< M3-FSC2SB 2024

Summer School Participants in 2024



14th to 25th July 2025


1st May 2025, 23:59 - Applying via the Intensive Summer School program (accommodation included).
30th June 2025, 23:59 - Final registration (no accommodation included)


This academic part of the course is free of charge.
The organizers do not provide catering.
Accommodation and other benefits are provided to the participants applying via the Intensive Summer School program for a 800 EUR fee.


Computer classroom 118, Building C04
National Centre for Biomolecular Research
University Campus Bohunice
Masaryk University
Czech Republic




RNDr. Petr Kulhánek, Ph.D.

FSC2SB-M3 Summer School Organizator

telefon: 549 49 5459

The e-INFRA CZ project (ID:90254), supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, provides part of the computational resources used during practical sessions.

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